How to Check CPU Temperature on Mac? Try this...

Wanttotrackfanspeed,CPUtemperatureonmacOSMonterey?HerearethestepstocheckCPUtemperatureonaMac(IntelandAppleSilicon),2022年9月5日—ThepowermetricscommandcanbeusedtodetermineCPUtemperatureaswellasalotofotherparameters.manpowermetricsfordetails.SMC .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Check CPU Temperature on Mac (2022)

Want to track fan speed, CPU temperature on macOS Monterey? Here are the steps to check CPU temperature on a Mac (Intel and Apple Silicon)

Check CPU temperature MacBook Pro Monterey

2022年9月5日 — The powermetrics command can be used to determine CPU temperature as well as a lot of other parameters. man powermetrics for details. SMC ...

How to choose the best Mac temperature monitor

2023年3月28日 — Access Mac CPU temperature monitor with Terminal · Open Terminal via Spotlight · Type the following command: sudo powermetrics --samplers smc | ...

View CPU activity in Activity Monitor on Mac

To view processor activity over time, click CPU (or use the Touch Bar). · To view current processor activity, choose Window > CPU Usage. · To view recent ...

How to Check the CPU Temperature on a Mac

2023年5月23日 — Use Terminal to Check Mac CPU Temperature · Open Terminal by pressing “Command + Space” on your keyboard. · Type “ Terminal ” and click on it ...

How to Check Your Mac's CPU and GPU Temperatures

2024年3月20日 — Here's how to monitor your Mac CPU and GPU temperature to help diagnose problems with solutions for both Intel-based and Apple Silicon Macs ...

Download Temp Monitor for Mac

Temp Monitor is an tool which will show you all available sensors in your Mac, alert you when your Mac overheats, and the utility to help you log all ...

How to check your Mac's temperature and keep it cool

2023年6月23日 — CPUs, GPUs, ports, and other elements shouldn't exceed about 192°F (89°C) for extended periods. At 212°F (100°C), the boiling temperature for ...

What's a good app to monitor CPU temperature?

2022年6月9日 — Apparently Macs don't come with an app that shows you CPU stats, CPU Temp and Fan activity. This is all stuff that most computers have ...


Wanttotrackfanspeed,CPUtemperatureonmacOSMonterey?HerearethestepstocheckCPUtemperatureonaMac(IntelandAppleSilicon),2022年9月5日—ThepowermetricscommandcanbeusedtodetermineCPUtemperatureaswellasalotofotherparameters.manpowermetricsfordetails.SMC ...,2023年3月28日—AccessMacCPUtemperaturemonitorwithTerminal·OpenTerminalviaSpotlight·Typethefollowingcommand:sudopowermetrics--samplerssmc| ...,Toviewp...
